Philanthropy Serving Organizations’ Call for Increased Foundation Spending During COVID-19, but don’t mention $ to BIPOC led orgs

Philanthropy Serving Organizations’ Call for Increased Foundation Spending During COVID-19, but don’t mention $ to BIPOC led orgs

By: Justin Laing | April 2, 2020 | Critical Philanthropy, Non reformist reforms

Initially it felt encouraging to seeĀ this callĀ from philanthropy serving organizations for foundations to increase spending at this time and for communities of color to be named specifically, but then I thought about it some more and lost my feeling of encouragement (curious to me that the Association of Black Foundation Executives was not named in this announcement). Organizations of color are not named at all and, actually, communities of color read like an add on and there is something unresolved for me as to what are the other communities that need support, if they are not racialized as well (communities of non-color?). As I said in my last post, if there is not a screen for how these funds are distributed they are going to help this sector maintain its already established systemic racism. There’s been a lot of talk and writing about racial equity over the last several years and it needs to show up now.
